you are a Good father if your kids have most their teeth, passed the 6th grade, can speak fro themselves, have good higene, and can show repect to authority; And if you can find it in your heart to show endless compassion, love, and untempereed encouragement their is no end to their desire of success in their gifted skills, talents, and ability.
0-10 Nurture state (REad, write, Arithmatic)
11-20 Get life Experience (train, ask questions, explorations)
20-30 expertise (final self development final master skills, community leader/ service man, communicate effectively with all peoples).
31-40 Career oriented: (Establish carreer, know one's own style of Religion, Investment World)
40's management/statesman/ publican: (Politics, Career Direction, Retirement).
50's Indulgence: (vacationing, world-site seeing, community involvement/other)
60's Legacy leaver endeaverer: (train a successor, write a book, teach the youth)
70's walk in the favor God: (bucket list, Prayer warrior, Grace giver).
to walk with Jesus is to have a happy conversation sith him 70% of the time.
Some of yall are taking all my words as gospel im only human.
When i say i dont like people acting bad i mean being bad. Not being touph and powerful. I respect someones house and at someone elses house i refusecto be a burden. But in publick im going to powerful i dont have to try most of it is my own power you should do the same. We're men aint we.
You can get with this or you can get with that. But this is were its at.
Dont ask me how ask me why. And i might have the answer
Saved by the bell
Tsk tsk
My own problems arent your problems
In my right hand riches and honour. And my left pleasures forever more
Zeal according to knowledge. And not all knowing is trustworthy enouph ,worthy emergency, or common base of ledgable visability.
A free enterprise society is for prosperity. Communism for structure. Socialism for security. Represtative republic for greviences facism for military and we endure all of the above. Go freedom
We knowcin part and we complete in part. So when all the parts come together only then can we understand the big picture
Shout let it all out.
Youll find it time after time.
I see your true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid of the rainbows within you darkness mixed with light makes every good thing shine bright
I always wanted to be superman. I guess because unstoppable then batman because he was resourceful. Then a ghost buster because they were a bad ass unit. Now i just fight demons in my sleep
Hapiness is your goal. If your not happy somethings wrong if you never been happy then something has always been wrong nothing is wrong with you. You just dont belong everywhere find where you truley belong find how you can be happy if your not already happy
There are those in san antonio who became something else. Thats fine by me. But you must call yourself something else. U may recruitvas many as u wish. But the name stays pure
Those who put in 10 years, should not be required anything they are retired they earned respect for the safety of the whole state. They are the council of made it men. Nothing is rewuired all service and council of them is of highest privaledge
you can only give what you recieved.
you are a Good father if your kids have most their teeth, passed the 6th grade, can speak fro themselves, have good higene, and can show repect to authority; And if you can find it in your heart to show endless compassion, love, and untempereed encouragement their is no end to their desire of success in their gifted skills, talents, and ability.
Nurture state
(REad, write, Arithmatic)
Get life Experience
(train, ask questions, explorations)
(final self development final master skills, community leader/ service man, communicate effectively with all peoples).
Career oriented: (Establish carreer, know one's own style of Religion, Investment World)
management/statesman/ publican:
(Politics, Career Direction, Retirement).
(vacationing, world-site seeing, community involvement/other)
Legacy leaver endeaverer:
(train a successor, write a book, teach the youth)
walk in the favor God:
(bucket list, Prayer warrior, Grace giver).
to walk with Jesus is to have a happy conversation sith him 70% of the time.
Some of yall are taking all my words as gospel im only human.
When i say i dont like people acting bad i mean being bad. Not being touph and powerful. I respect someones house and at someone elses house i refusecto be a burden. But in publick im going to powerful i dont have to try most of it is my own power you should do the same. We're men aint we.
No crumb fell of my bread
You can get with this or you can get with that. But this is were its at.
Dont ask me how ask me why. And i might have the answer
Saved by the bell
Tsk tsk
My own problems arent your problems
In my right hand riches and honour. And my left pleasures forever more
Zeal according to knowledge. And not all knowing is trustworthy enouph ,worthy emergency, or common base of ledgable visability.
A free enterprise society is for prosperity. Communism for structure. Socialism for security. Represtative republic for greviences facism for military and we endure all of the above. Go freedom
We knowcin part and we complete in part. So when all the parts come together only then can we understand the big picture
Shout let it all out.
Youll find it time after time.
I see your true colors and thats why i love you so dont be afraid of the rainbows within you darkness mixed with light makes every good thing shine bright
Islam is a religion that only worships alah
But moeslim is a culture that promotes: male supremacy, female subordinance.
Fake it til you make ut.
If you dont try no worries. Plenty of worries wuth plenty if tries.
They dont allow us to own anything discourage investments and hoard vital information to our own destruction with their delight
So n2ow theyll foeever suffer for it
Majuana can be used to create anything its a magical plantation
Torment you to recese pieces
Remember why you dreamed of becoming u
I always wanted to be superman. I guess because unstoppable then batman because he was resourceful. Then a ghost buster because they were a bad ass unit. Now i just fight demons in my sleep
I always win, survive and tgrive
Its either death or loss.
We came, we saw, we kicked their ass
Carma is a mf.
How to be muslim
1. Dont shave unless for school, work, court.
2. Wear long drapes
3. Worship jesus, jewish God, or allah only your way
Fall 1998: The Heart of Texas- together. against. negative. gang. organizations.
"Still shooting first, asking questions later, still barring no plex, whos nex wit plex"
I aint no daddy
Hapiness is your goal. If your not happy somethings wrong if you never been happy then something has always been wrong nothing is wrong with you. You just dont belong everywhere find where you truley belong find how you can be happy if your not already happy
Theres never enouph time that doesnt mean you give up. There is no greater regret than giving up. And jacking around unnecessarily
Cross breeding is dangerous
Choose honour; never dishonour
If you can forgive; if you can't then you shouldnt.
Do favours and never turn down a favour. Unless your disowning a love one
Never jeopardize a love one. Not everyone loves their love one
Know how things perform, protocol, and work around here itll roll over to the next life minus the shame weakness and bitterness
Only through love of a love one can one escape, grow, or overcome a miraculous strong hold.
Even harold played the licensing and commissioning game. All you do is play by the hand of God.
For promotion cometh neither from the west east or the south But God is the judge he puteth up one and setteth down another
There are those in san antonio who became something else. Thats fine by me. But you must call yourself something else. U may recruitvas many as u wish. But the name stays pure
Those who put in 10 years, should not be required anything they are retired they earned respect for the safety of the whole state. They are the council of made it men. Nothing is rewuired all service and council of them is of highest privaledge
Their name stays pure.
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